

Cleaning up damaged restore points in VMware Data Recovery


  • A restore indicates the status of (damaged) beside it in red.

  • Backups are not running anymore.



The damaged restore points may disallow existing backups to run.
To resolve the issue:
  1. Make sure that there are no backups or integrity checks running.
  2. Log in to the Data Recovery appliance with the credentials:

    Username: root
    Password: vmw@re
  3. Log in to the Data Recovery UI (vSphere Client) and use these steps to clean up the damaged restore points:

    1. Mark the restore points for deletion from the Data Recovery UI.
    2. Manually run Integrity check to clear the restore points.
    3. Check the integrity check log (double-click on the Reports \ Events view) to see if it clear. If not, run the Integrity check again.

  4. Restart the datarecovery daemon on the Data Recovery appliance:

    service datarecovery restart
J.D. & S.

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